Psychology (Session13)

# Title Author
1 The Human Mind Karl A. Menninger
2 Mind and Body Flanders Dunbar
3 Understandable Psychiatry Leland E. Hinsie
4 A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud
5 Emotional Problems of Living O. Spurgeon English and Gerald H. J. Pearson
6 I Ain't Well — But I Sure I Am Better Jess Lair
7 The Disowned Self Nathaniel Branden
8 A Primer of Behavioral Psychology Adelaide Bry
9 I'm OK — You're OK Thomas A. Harris, M.D
10 Freedom to Be and Man the Manipulator Everett L. Shostrum
11 Games People Play Eric Berne
12 Love and Orgasm, Pleasure and The Language of the Body Alexander Lowen, M.D
13 The Transparent Self Sidney M. Jourard
14 Don't Say Yes When You Want to Say No Herbert Festerheim and Jean Baer
15 Gestalt Therapy Verbatim Frederick S. Peris
16 Born to Win Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward
17 Joy and Here Comes Everybody William C. Schutz
18 The Fifty-Minute Hour Robert Linderner


# Title Author Genre
1 Language in Thought and Action S. I. Hayakawa Semantics
2 People in Quandaries Wendell Johnson Semantics
3 How to Survive in Your Native Land James Herndon Education and Learning
4 Education and the Endangered Individual Brain V. Hill Education and Learning
5 How Children Fail and What Do I Do Monday John Holt Education and Learning
6 Teaching Human Beings Jeffery Schrank Education and Learning
7 Education and Ecstasy George B. Leonard Education and Learning
8 Human Teaching for Human Learning George Issac Brown Education and Learning
9 Couple Therapy Gerald Walker Smith and Alice I. Phillips Sex, Love, Marriage
10 Your Fear of Love Marshall Bryant Hodge Sex, Love, Marriage
11 Sexual Suicide George F. Gilder Sex, Love, Marriage
12 Intimacy Gina Allen and Clement G. Martin, M.D. Sex, Love, Marriage
13 How to Live with Another Person David Viscott, M.D Sex, Love, Marriage
14 Pairing George R. Bach and Ronald M. Deutsch Sex, Love, Marriage
15 The Intimate Enemy George R. Bach and Peter Wyden Sex, Love, Marriage
16 The Rape of the Ape Allan Sherman Sex, Love, Marriage
17 The Hite Report Shere Hite Sex, Love, Marriage
18 Sex in Human Loving Eric Berne Sex, Love, Marriage
19 Rebirth of Feminism Judith Hole and Ellen Levine Women, Feminism, etc.
20 The Way of All Women M. Esther Harding Women, Feminism, etc.
21 Knowing Woman Irene Claremont de Castillejo Women, Feminism, etc.
22 Sexist Justice Karen De Crow Women, Feminism, etc.
23 Our Bodies, Our Selves The Boston Women’s Health Book Collective Women, Feminism, etc.
24 Between Parent and Child and Between Parent and Teenager Dr. Haim Ginott Children, Child-Raising, etc.
25 Children Who Hate Fritz Redl and David Wineman Children, Child-Raising, etc.
26 Parent Effectiveness Training Dr. Thomas Gordon Children, Child-Raising, etc.
27 Escape from Childhood John Gordon Children, Child-Raising, etc.
28 One Little Boy Dorothy W. Baruch Children, Child-Raising, etc.
29 Save Your Life Diet Book David Reubeu, M.D. Health
30 Folk Medicine D. C. Jarvis Clark Health
31 Get Well Naturally Linda Clark Health
32 Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit Adelle Davis Health
33 The Way of Zen and What Does It Matter? Alan W. Watts Philosophy
34 Love’s Body Norman O. Brown Philosophy
35 The Affluent Society John Kenneth Glabraith Business, Economics and Finance
36 Parkinson’s Law C. Northcote Parkinson Business, Economics and Finance
37 The Peter Principle Laurence J. Peter Business, Economics and Finance
38 Up the Organization Robert Townsend Sociology
39 Passages Sheehy Sociology
40 Future Shock Alvin Toffler Sociology
41 Hard Times Studs Terkel Sociology
42 Roots Alex Haley Sociology
43 Life after Life Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D Death and Dying
44 On Death and Dying Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Death and Dying